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Voluntary Workers

Frequently Asked Questions

Insurance Provider: Accident & Health International Underwriting

This insurance is included in the Group Insurance / Risk Program and the cost to access this cover is included in the rate charged to Lutheran facilities upon renewal of their insurance program.

Volunteer workers are a very special extension of the regular workforce and it's vital to recognise their dedication and generosity. It's also important to ensure that they are well cared for and feel safe and secure in your workplace.

Our group Voluntary Workers Insurance covers all authorised voluntary workers whilst they are engaged in any unpaid activity, anywhere in Australia, on behalf of your organisation. The voluntary work must be officially organised by and under the control of the organisation and/or its councils or committees, including meetings. Cover includes necessary direct travel to, from, or during such voluntary work.

Please note that a voluntary worker's personal equipment is not covered.


  • War and warlike activities, acts of terrorism
  • Nuclear risks
  • Training or participating in professional sport of any kind
  • Flying in an aircraft or aerial device other than as a passenger in an aircraft licensed to carry passengers
  • Non-scheduled flights in aircraft
  • Intentional self-injury, suicide or any illegal or criminal act
  • Sickness or any pre-existing medical condition.
Non-Income Earning Voluntary Workers (aged 12-85 years) $
Capital Benefits (refer below for inclusions) 250,000
Surgical Benefits 3,000
Fractured Bones 5,000
Dental Benefits - loss of teeth or dental procedures (limit per tooth $250) 1,000
Student Tutorial Benefit (Max not exceeding 26 weeks) 500
Non-Medicare Medical Expenses ($100 excess) 20,000
Out of Pocket Expenses (Max $1,500) 200
Emergency Home Help (Excludes help from a relative or friend-Max 26 weeks - 7 day excess period) 250
All Income Earning Voluntary Workers (aged 12-85 years)  
Capital Benefits (refer below for inclusions) 250,000
Surgical Benefits 3,000
Weekly Benefits - 85% of salary (Max 156 weeks - 14 day excess period) 2,000
Fractured Bones Benefit 5,000
Non-Medicare Medical Expenses ($100 excess) 20,000
Dental Benefits - loss of teeth or dental procedures (limit per tooth $250) 1,000 
All Voluntary Workers over 85 years of age  
Capital Benefits 10,000
Surgical Benefit 3,000
Weekly Benefits Nil
Dental Benefits 1,000
Fractured Bones Benefit 5,000
Funeral Benefit 5,000
Non- Medicare Medical Expenses ($100 excess) 20,000
Out of Pocket Expenses (Max $200 per claim) 200
Emergency Home Help (Excludes help from a relative or friend - Max 13 weeks) 250

Volunteers aged 75-84 - capital benefits $25,000, emergency home help 26 weeks, $250 per week.

Volunteers aged 75 years and over - permanent, temporary & partial disablement not covered.

Volunteers under 15 years of age - weekly benefits excluded.

Ancillary Medical Benefits (applicable to all voluntary workers)

The policy also includes Non-Medicare medical expenses up to an amount not exceeding $20,000 ($100 excess) including physiotherapy, optical, chiropractic, dental, ambulance and other expenses not covered by a Medicare or a medical, hospital fund or statutory policy i.e. non-Medicare medical expenses.

What does Capital Benefits include?

Major benefits such as:

  • Accidental Death
  • Permanent and Partial Disablement
  • Paraplegia and Quadriplegia
  • Loss of sight, limb and/or hearing

Handy Tip: You are responsible for the safety of your volunteers.

  • Your organisation has both a moral and legal obligation to look after the health and safety of volunteers. Here are some tips to ensure you value and protect your volunteers.
  • The best way to protect volunteers is to be certain they are capable of safely carrying out the work you are asking them to perform. This is especially pertinent when the volunteer workforce is a child or is ageing and, at times, being asked to carry out tasks inappropriate for their age.
  • Training must be given to volunteers on the use of equipment unfamiliar to them. Checks should be carried out on equipment used.
  • Safety equipment to be used at all times (e.g. gloves and safety glasses) and attention must be given to the correct procedure for manual lifting of objects and the provision and use of ladders. These are two areas where accidents/injuries are prevalent. It is wise to record all volunteers in a register or book including details of any medical condition they may have (i.e. allergies).
  • A register of volunteers should be kept with details of contact names and numbers in case of emergency. With the volunteer's approval, list details of medical conditions that may impact the volunteer's ability to carry out work for your organisation.
  • There should be a process in place whereby persons working with children, including volunteers, are screened. All volunteers who work with children involved in the ministry should fill out volunteer application forms, which include an authority to complete Police and Community Services checks.


  • Weekly injury: 14 days
  • Emergency home help: 7 days
  • Non-Medicare medical expenses: $100
  • Student tutorial costs: 7 days

Need to make a claim?

  1. Verbal notification must be given to LCA Insurance who will arrange for the necessary claim forms and/or assessment.
  2. A completed claim form together with the Medical Attendant's Certificate must be sent to LCA Insurance promptly.
  3. Important: completion of the claim form must not be deferred until the claimant has recovered.

Please note that this website only provides a summary of coverage. More detailed information is available by contacting LCA Insurance directly. The insurers policy wordings will take precedence over information contained in this website.